Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Unchurched Friend Interview #1

1. What are you reasons for not going back to a church that you visited once or any church?
 didn't get into the sermon
2. Was there something that kept you away from a church or from not going back to a certain church?

3. What do you think the purpose of church is?

 to learn about god
4. Did you feel welcome when you walked into church? If not, why?

yes very welcomed
5. Do you think there are areas in the church that could be improved or made better? If so, what could be improved?

6. What would make the enviornment of the church more inviting to you?

 Everyone greeting everyone and talking to each other
7. Do you believe in the one true God? If not, how come?

yes i do
8. Is there a way that the pastor and teachers at the church could make it easier for you to understand what they are preaching about?

yes by things that happen in daily life
9. Do you think that a Christian should go to church on a regular basis? If yes, why, if no, why?

 yes, because its one day a week and shows god you care
10. Do you think that going to church every sunday could change your life around?

 yes would make me a better person and have better choices in life

     This interview made me realize some things. For one, some of these answers really surprised me and when i say that i mean it in this way, i didn't realize that's what people thought in life. I mean i have always heard people that have done these interviews and people have answered that way but i think to actually hear it from someone i know makes it more real to me. I don't have a hard time believing that people say that going to church once a week shows God you care but at the same time it just shocks me because if that's what people really think then it challenges me to come up with a response to that, a way to lead that person to Christ. Being a better person doesn't  do anything for us. It's the fact that faith without works is dead but that means that you can't have one and not the other. Faith is believing in what you cannot see but you see the effects of it (not just in other people's lives but in your life personally of what God is doing for you). God leaves signs and shows you who he is, he reveals things to you and i want to be able to come up with responses to say to people of the answers that they give me. I think that the purpose of church too isn't just to learn about God, it's to grow in your walk with God, to dig deeper into the plans and the purpose that God has for you. This interview has opened up my eyes quite a bit to want to be able to respond to someone's answers like this and it even makes me think on some of the questions myself.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, the answers to these questions are what I sort of expected from some people. You asked pretty good questions! :)
