Saturday, September 24, 2011

Chad Furlong Response

     I so enjoyed listening to Chad speak. He has launched 2 Master's Commission Programs and is launching a new ministry this year called "Twelve Experience."

 One of the quotes that he made was "We don't want to be a mile wide and an inch deep." To explain this quote from a little bit of his perspective and mine is that we don't wan to get too wide in our ministries because we want to grow deeper as ministry first before you grow wider. I think with that being said, with a program of ministry you want to start out small and go deeper, and then grow wider or (bigger) and continue to go even deeper.

Chad had only gotten through one of the questions that we had but i'm really glad that he went on with just the one question which was "What is the underlining philosophy of your discipleship?" Chad went through all of the values that he has laid out for his discipleship program for "Twelve Experience" and i loved all of them.

I'm going to talk about one that really stuck out to me and that was his first value which to value intimacy more than anything. Valuing intimacy with God and with each other is huge, and it's a responsibility of people who are mature in Christ to help the other younger brother or sister to become like Jesus (to be able to try and line up with Jesus to the best of our ability). I actually kind of feel like this is hitting me right now even more than i thought it would. I'm starting to understand that valuing intimacy with God is so big, i don't need anything else except for Jesus and if i'm falling in love with him more and more and running after him with everything that i have, putting my full focus on him and not anything else than i'm doing well and that's where God is going to be able to take me and help me to help others to become like Jesus but one thing is that we never stop growing in our relationship with God. Wow, this is totally hitting me right now and how much God is calling me to to just grow intimate with him and not worry about anything else except for him, to love him and think about him all the time. This is my heart right now and what i believe that God is really wanting me to hear is for me to grow intimate with him and only him!

Another thing that i really loved hearing about was how Chad built his ministry and what he had to do to
take the steps he needed to in order to see his program built and to make your ministry "sexy" in his words. It takes a platform in your life that you need to find in order for your discipleship to reflect your platform because that should be what happens. And the next step is to write out your discipleship experience on paper and put in what you want in your ministry and what you don't want. That third step is to start calling people and finding leaders and getting things advertised which is where making your ministry "sexy" comes in. You have to be able to mark your ministry and let people see it, make it something that people want to see, something that catches their attention. I have learned so much and i really think that God is about to show me some things that need changed in my life and some things that God is calling me to that i need to start listening to and to stop ignoring it.

1 comment:

  1. Kriston, your response is great. I like how you talked about liking the part where he said about building a platform! That's so exciting!!! :)
