Monday, October 24, 2011

Ack Ackerman Response

Ack Ackerman was a man who is the Director of the Men's House at Adams County Rescue Mission. He made one statement that i feel was very strong for me. He said, "God loves us and cares about us but the reason we go through things is because it builds our character."
     This statement hits me because a lot of times i don't understand why i go through things, i don't understand why i have to be the one to deal with pornography when i did at one point in my life, i don't understand why all through my years i felt like i had to act like everything was ok on the outside when everything wasn't ok. Looking on it, God loves me and when i look back on certain situations i see how it grew me in my faith and in my walk with God. I want to be a leader to young adults where i can stress to them that i want them to know that there is a reason to why we go through the things we do. Ack is someone who helps men see that in my opinion. He helps them see that there is a reason they are going through certain things and that's where we show them that God loves them and cares about them and God is going to bring us through the situation no matter what.
     I want to disciple young adults and teach them to be more Christ-minded. I want them to know that struggles are just a part of life and it's also part of walking with Christ in my opinion. God is teaching me that i will pull you through the hardships and even though i may not see it now, it will grow me in my faith and in my walk with God.

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