Wednesday, October 12, 2011

The Complete Book of Discipleship Review

This book is so good! I was enjoying so much of it and God was really speaking to me through it as i read the book. I didn't even get that far into the book and on page 45 it has Hebrews 12:1-3 written out and as i read it today i totally felt like it really reflects our Master's team. Right now we need to literally throw off everything that is hindering us and get rid of it for good. We need to fix our eyes on Jesus and run the race that God has marked out for us. I know that's what God is calling me to do, but i also believe that's what God is calling our team to do. Bill Hull makes a statement that reads, "Jesus calls us to - a life of following Him - a life of humility, sacrifice, submission, and obedience." I can't believe how much God is stressing this to me about me personally and our team once again. I just can't help that God keeps bringing it up. Hebrews 12:1-3 was even brought up again in my further reading.
Salvation is such a lifelong journey and i love that Bill Hull mentioned this because our walk with Christ is a journey. It's not hard, but you just have to fight through and go as hard as you can go. When you feel like you are ready to give up, you don't because God has already won it and going through your journey is what God uses in your life.Your journey is how God sanctifies you in the way that he does and that's why we go through things we don't understand that Jesus can sanctify us all the more and make us whole again because that is how much our God loves us!
Another awesome quote was, "But a disciple's heart consistently yearns for and desires to please God." Wow! I mean come one, that's what i want my heart to be is that i would consistently yearn for my king and to please him only and nothing else. God has spoken to me such as i read the book and i love what God has been doing. I could probably write much more but those were just a few of the things that God was speaking to me through this book. I loved the book though and thought it was absolutely great and Bill Hull was truly anointed by God when he wrote this!

I read 33% of The Complete Book of Discipleship

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