Friday, October 28, 2011

Chuck Lenhart Response

So, today we listened to Chuck Lenhart speak. Chuck is a missionary in China and speaks Chinese as well! He is truly a man of so much wisdom and knowledge. I loved everything that he said today and i just felt like i was sucking up everything he was saying today.

I loved what he was talking about in his second point. He said, "as we are going in our purpose we begin to write down the vision, speak the vision as God begins to make it clearer to you." Then he said, "live in the letter of God's vision for your life." I love that Chuck made this point. I know that God has such a plan and purpose for my life and all i want is to be in God's will to do what he has called me to. As i write down the vision that God is giving me and as i grow in the passions that he has placed on my heart i am going to begin to allow God to write the letter on my heart that he has for me. And so much lately, God has been writing that letter on my heart. God has opened up so many doors for me and is talking to me more than ever before. So the vision is the huge part and i just loved how he expressed that!

One of the other things that i really like was when he talked about just stirring up the fires of passion in your ministry. Right now, as God is stirring up a fire of passion in me to disciple young adults and work in a discipleship ministry i want to work with co-workers and people around me who are also stirred in the same way i am for a passion for discipling young adults. Along with stirring up the fire of passions in your ministry, Chuck also said this, "continually be stirring up yourself to see the world through Christ's eyes and not your own." What a statement that is to me. I want to be a leader and a person who is able to look at people the way God looks at them and not be so quick to judge someone on how they look or who they are. I want to focus on seeing people through God's eyes and i know that that isn't easy but i want to do my best to be able to see people how God sees them. So God i am asking you that you would help me to see people through your eyes and show them your love like never before.

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