Friday, October 7, 2011

Andy Landers Response

So what i have to say about what i received out of this class with Andy Stanley was amazing! He was such a good speaker and i have enjoyed all of them! Andy is the Director of Youth With A Mission and he also runs the Discipleship Training School in Louisville, KT.

One of the things that Andy Stanley talked about was his underlying philosophy for his program. One of those philosophies is Hearing and obeying the voice of God. I can surely attest to this because God is speaking so much to me especially within my calling. I've always had a passion for missions and i know that God has put that passion and desire in me but I have heard God starting to narrow down my calling in this way. I truly believe that God is calling me to work in a discipleship ministry where i am able to disciple and evangelize young adults and still be able to work in missions with that. I know that God is perfecting this calling and clarifying details to me and i am soooooooo EXCITED for what God is doing!

I loved one of his other philosophies which was I + A =T. What does this stand for? It stands for Information + + Application = Transformation. To explain these further Information is what exactly is the truth that God is giving to you or to us and for me that truth is that God has given me a passion for evangelism. Application is how exactly do i live this out and just thinking about this i'm trying to figure out how to walk this out, especially the calling that God has placed on me.  A statement that Andy made says this, "The application of truth is what do i need to do right now to live this out. " That is really any truth that God is giving you, how are you going to live it out, what steps are you going to take kind of thing. Transformation is this, "someone who is different now, walks away saying I heard the truth and i did it and now i'm different. " I want to learn to apply this to my life more, I feel like i have such a huge spark in me and i am just so on fire for God right now and what he is doing and what is to come! Andy really really spoke so many things that were so good and God has blessed me above and beyond to hear and obey God's voice and to hear the truth even when i don't want it!


  1. I totally agree with you on liking the I+A=T thing! So cool! :)

  2. I loved the I+A=T thing too! So simple, but so powerful! (:
