Friday, November 4, 2011

Cullen Allen Response

Cullen Allen is on the staff at Allison Park Church. Cullen oversees the young adults and the MCM School.

Cullen's underlying philosophy is "To raise up spiritual warriors for the Kingdom of God, to teach them how to live out the book of Acts in signs, wonders, and miracles." I love Cullen's philosophy here because working in a discipleship program, in my view the point of it is to exactly what Cullen said. I personally want to be able to raise up spiritual warriors for God's Kingdom.

I love that Cullen said their school is very hands on with ministry. I find that to be huge, especially when you are in a ministry school. I'm a believer that when you are able to get hands on in the ministry it helps you grow so much more and it gives you much more experience when it even comes to getting hired in the ministry. I love being hands on because i get the experience behind it and i learn so much more because i'm able to actually do it, not just learn about it.

One of the biggest things that i got out of listening to Cullen Allen was Confrontation. He made the mention that confrontation is a daily and necessary part of our ministry even though it's difficult to do. As Cullen put it, "Confrontation is an art; it's really like trial and error. The way i learned how to do confrontation was by doing it wrong so many times." I had asked Cullen about confrontation and that's what he told me. It kind of hit me hard. Even though i don't want to be bad at confrontation, i do realize that each time i'm able to improve it or learn something that i did wrong that i can improve for the next time. I know this is an area that i am definitely working on right now even as a small leader now. It's not easy and i want to get better at but i'm not really sure how to either. I am going to do my best now as a leader with confrontation when it happens and i really hope in the future that when i am discipling young adults that i am able to do well with confrontation, at least better than i have been and not come across as kind of harsh but to come across lovingly.

Cullen Allen does a great job with his program for just talking to him and i am so glad that he was able to share with us!

1 comment:

  1. You are no small leader :) I love your willingness and quickness in applying the word of God to your life. Thanks for always demonstrating that to me and for being so gracious with me. Love you!
